
At last, We actually have a reason to write an update! We finally made our Colatown debut this past week. Resistance played Wednesday night at Elbow Room along with Dogma and Mini Void. Elbow Room is now promoting “Dark Wednesday” each week to showcase heavier local music. We are encouraged to see more than one club promoting heavy music in Columbia. Anyway, we were the last band to play (we went on after midnight) this past Wednesday and there weren’t too many people left to play for. However, we are looking forward to a return to Elbow Room in the near future. There is discussion of playing again in about three weeks in Florence with Snap Nine. More info on that show as it becomes available. On a final note, we would like to thank Marty, Safety Man, and Elbow Room, Dogma, and Mini Void.


Yeah, yeah, yeah...long time since the last update.  We know. Resistance has been on somewhat of a hiatus due to Matt's vigorous schedule of business travel, Larry's completion of his first (last?) semester at Clemson University, and Cam's brief stint as a bartender in some upscale white dude's country club. The month of June should see us get back into writing and practicing again. We definitely hope to get out and play some this summer. We hope to put together another show in the Florence area soon. Until then--kick ass and come on...


Well, Oyster Bash 2000 did not go off exactly how we would have liked it. The free beer flowed, the oysters roasted, resistance got hot and sweaty, then the COPS shut us down. We were able to complete our set to a small but appreciative crowd. It ended up being like a fun practice with a decent PA and some good friends. We are glad that we got to play for some new faces as well and hope everyone had fun at the bash. I am sorry to report that OverReaction Jackson never got to play due to police interference. Our apologies to the band, who hauled their stuff all the way out to Larry's for nothing. This marks the last bash resistance will play. Larry may promote the event in the future, but live music will probably not be included due to complications with the neighbors. On a positive note, we didn't break any strings and nobody went to jail. Thanks to all of you who supported resistance and OB2K!!! Yankamaeyanka!!


We played our first show at Shooters in Florence, SC with Innerstate. The turnout (and the scene in general) definitely exceeded our expectations. All of the people in attendance were very supportive of our first outing. The scene at Shooters was all about the music, not politics or anyone's individual head trip. We hope to see you guys again soon.

Again, we would like to thank Innerstate and Shooters for extending the invitation to bring our mix of chaos to Florence. Our maiden show was highlighted by Cam busting a guitar string during the last song of our set. I looked over at Cam during the song only to see him looking pitifully at his guitar with a limp string hanging off of it. Cam said "kbuckit", grabbed his beer and joined the audience while Larry and I finished the set.

We would like to encourage all of our friends to check out Innerstate whenever you get the chance. They are a cool bunch of guys who play their own brand of heavy, groove oriented rock.

Don't forget!!! Larry's annual Oyster Bash is coming up on February 25. Resistance will play live as people enjoy free beer, eat oysters, and get schnaba'd. We would like to extend the invitation to all of our friends and whomever you can drag along with you. Larry has found a second band to play the bash also. OverReaction Jackson will be playing. Don't miss this one!!

resistance . 101 Wynette Way Columbia, South Carolina 29229 USA